Long-Term Economic Statistics (LTES) Database (Japan)
Long-Term Economic Statistics (Data Repository)
Kazushi Ohkawa, Miyohei Shinohara, and Mataji Umemura, Long-Term Economic Statistics (LTES), published by Toyo Keizai Shinposha, Inc., (1967-1989)
Time-series historical statistics of early modern Japan based on the System of National Accounts (SNA) presenting estimates of economic activity in Japan from the latter half of the 19th century to the end of World War II.
The LTES Database provides electronic access (in English/Japanese) to the key parts of the Long-Term Economic Statistics and including individual revised series announced after the published. You can download datasets and the produced graph image.
The “Series ID” displayed in this database search is in the following format: “J [volume number] [table number] [table adjunct number] [in-table series number].” This ID is derived from each table published in the “Shiryo” section of each volume of the 14 volumes of Long-Term Economic Statistics book series (Please see Note 1). When using each numerical value derived from the search, please use the confirmation work hypothesis and other related items after confirming the relevant volume of Long-Term Economic Statistics book series or e-book (for institution) (Please see Note 2). Also, please refer the lists of “Riyoujyou no chuui” (825KB) (only Japanese) about the usage notes published in the “Shiryo” section of each volume and the unregistered table on the LTES Database.
(Note 2)
For information on the Long-Term Economic Statistics book series, please refer to the following links:
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BN00358859 【A collection of domestic university libraries and similar lists】
https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4492982884/ 【Amazon website】
Reference materials [in Japanese]
Toshiyuki Mizoguchi (1981) Choki Keizai Tokei (LTES) Detabesu No Riyo Manyuaru (Statistical Data and Documentation Series No. 17)
Ryoko Akiyama (1989) LTES Detabesu Kaisetsu (Statistical Data and Documentation Series No.34)
Yoshiro Matsuda, Satoshi Yasuda, Fumiko Arita (1991) LTES Detabesu Kensaku Shisutemu Kaisetsu (Statistical Data and Documentation Series No. 40)
Konosuke Odaka "What was the LTES Project?" (Newsletter of the Asian Historical Statistics Project No.1 Mar. 1996)
Worksheets of time series statistics prepared for publishing "long-term economic statistics" are available via the Internet at Hitotsubashi University Institutional Repository: HERMES-IR.
For more information about the databases, please send an e-mail to the Asian Historical Statistics Database Office at ashstat[at]ier.hit-u.ac.jp (please change “[at]” to “@”).